

Students are encouraged to read their take-home books every week.  The take home books contain the sight words that we are learning in class, and this a great way for the students to practice at home.  Moreover, students should be completing Fast Readsevery day.  We highly encourage that the students complete this with an adult, but if one is unavailable, an older brother or sister will suffice!

Occasionally, the students will not be able to complete some assignments during class.  If this is the case, we will send it home with a note asking the student to complete it and bring it back completed.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation! 



Green Group

Kindergarten Word Study Homework

Monday: “Sort and Write”-Sort the pictures into the same categories done in school. (Think of the patterns in the words). Say the name of each picture as it is placed under the key picture to make sure the sounds are the same. Next read each word card and match it to the correct picture. Sort the words and pictures a second time as fast as possible. Look at the key words and pictures at the top of each column and write each of your words under the correct column.

Tuesday: “Sort, Draw, and Label”- Choose 8 of your words to draw and label with the correct spelling of the word.  Use the paper with 8 boxes to draw and label-Write your name at the top of the paper.

Wednesday: “Sort and Write”- Sort your pictures and words under the correct header.  Choose 5 of your pictures or words and write a sentence using each word.  Be sure to use capital letters at the beginning and punctuation at the end of your sentences.

Thursday: “Blind Written Sort”- with a family member.

  • Use the Blind Written Sort form that has the key words and pictures in the top spaces of your paper.
  • Mix up your word cards.
  • Have your family member call each word without showing it to you.
  • Write the word in the correct column.
  • Have your family member check your spelling and sorting.
  • Re-sort the words you missed with another “blind written sort”



Dark Blue Group

Kindergarten Short Diagraphs Study Homework

Monday: “Sort”- Cut the pictures apart and sort the pictures into the same categories done in school.  Say the name of each picture as it is placed under the header. Sort them a second time as fast as possible.  

Tuesday: “Chunk, Chunk, Blend”- Sort your pictures according to the headers. Write the first chunk in the first column. Write the next chunk in the second column. Then write the first and the second chunk together in the last column to spell the entire word. Be sure to read each chunk and blend them together as you are writing them. After writing all of the chunks, read each of the chunks and blend them together to say the word.  

Wednesday: “Write a Sentence”- Choose five of the pictures and use the words in a sentence. Use five different words from the pictures you used in class.  Be sure to use capital letters at the beginning and have punctuation at the end of the sentences.

Thursday: “Speed Sort and write”- Sort the pictures and have a family member time your sort. Scramble your pictures and sort a second time-have a family member time your second sort-try to beat your first time. Then practice writing all of the words and have a family member help with the words!




Light Blue Group

Kindergarten Word Study Homework

Monday: “Sort and Write”-Sort the pictures into the same categories done in school. (Think of the patterns in the words). Say the name of each picture as it is placed under the key picture to make sure the sounds are the same. Next read each word card and match it to the correct picture. Sort the words and pictures a second time as fast as possible. Look at the key words and pictures at the top of each column and write each of your words under the correct column.

Tuesday: “Sort, Draw, and Label”- Choose 8 of your words to draw and label with the correct spelling of the word.  Use the paper with 8 boxes to draw and label-Write your name at the top of the paper.

Wednesday: “Chunk, Chunk, Blend”- Sort your pictures according to the headers. Write the first chunk in the first column. Write the next chunk in the second column. Then write the first and the second chunk together in the last column to spell the entire word. Be sure to read each chunk and blend them together as you are writing them. After writing all of the chunks, read each of the chunks and blend them together to say the word.

Thursday: “Blind Written Sort”- with a family member.

  • Use the Blind Written Sort form that has the key words and pictures in the top spaces of your paper.
  • Mix up your word cards.
  • Have your family member call each word without showing it to you.
  • Write the word in the correct column.
  • Have your family member check your spelling and sorting.
  • Re-sort the words you missed with another “blind written sort”